
HAKYA Saffron

Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus and commonly known as the “saffron crocus”. Also, The vivid crimson stigmas and styles called threads. For generations, we have been collecting and drying saffron to use mainly as a seasoning and colouring agent in food.Saffron, long among the world’s most costly spices by weight. The taste of saffron and an iodoform- or hay-like fragrance result from the chemicals picrocrocin and safranal. It also contains a carotenoid pigment and crocin Therefore imparts a rich golden-yellow hue to dishes and even textiles. Iran(Persia) now accounts for approximately 90% of the whole world production of saffron


Office address: 4th Floor,No. 20,Unit 8,Kalhor St.,South Jamalzadeh St.,Enghelab Sq.,Tehran,IRAN

اللّهمّ صلّ علی فاطمة و أبیها و بعلها و بنیها والسّرّ المستودع فیها بعدد ما أحاط به علمک اللّهمّ عجّل لولیّک الفرج
Office address: 4th Floor,No. 20,Unit 8,Kalhor St.,South Jamalzadeh St.,Enghelab Sq.,Tehran,IRAN

اللّهمّ صلّ علی فاطمة و أبیها و بعلها و بنیها والسّرّ المستودع فیها بعدد ما أحاط به علمک اللّهمّ عجّل لولیّک الفرج

Mobile / whatsapp: +989024342573
E-mail: hakya.company@gmail.com